I'm using the `setup-java` action in my [config](https://github.com/kubernetes-client/java/blob/master/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml#L32) to set the Java version to 17.
Previous to the 2.13…
When executing the `launchable record build` command, we don't know what happens. We need to improve it.
### Candidate build: `cl241220241119-0657`
- [x] Automated tests for all published guides (Daily build)
- java 11: `https://github.com/OpenLiberty/guides-common/actions/runs/11935054689`
- l…
2024-05-20T23:31:14.5871131Z ##[debug]Starting: build
2024-05-20T23:31:14.5894943Z ##[debug]Cleaning runner temp folder: /home/runner/work/_temp
2024-05-20T23:31:14.6131104Z ##[debug]Starting: Set u…
## Summary
> _Specify the total amount of BSQ you are requesting, along with the USD total and BSQ/USD rate (don't include the brackets!):_
- **BSQ requested**: **`8571.43`**
- USD reque…
I would like to know if you have an idea why are failing the github actions for SAST scan in your repo.
The error is:
java.io.IOException: Unexpected code Response{protocol=…
# Test report for **macOS (Apple Silicon/aarch64/ARM)** _(with R packages installed from source)_
## System:
#> ProductName: macOS
#> ProductVersion: 14.5
#> BuildVersion: 23F7…
As we know, OpenJDK used to be the place where free JRE and JDKs were downloaded from, but in the new model consumers should use other vendors like temurin, microsoft, etc. This is t…
Windows 11 Pro
Google Chrome Версия 118.0.5993.89 (Официальная сборка), (64 бит)
IntelliJIDEA Community Edition 2023.2.3
Java 11 java version Amazon Corretto11.0.19
Build system - Gra…