## What is FastNavPlugin
[FastNavPlugin](https://xeokit.github.io/xeokit-sdk/docs/class/src/plugins/FastNavPlugin/FastNavPlugin.js~FastNavPlugin.html) is a xeokit Viewer plugin that makes interacti…
Given a building in IFC, what I would like to do is get the surfaces that are visible from the outside of the building, using IfcOpenShell-python. From those surfaces, I need to extract all colours an…
We try to convert ifc (without IfcSpace) to svg with IfcConvert :
./IfcConvert -v test.ifc test.svg --exclude entities IfcOpeningElement
But output SVG is empty, so why ?
Hi there,
I am trying to convert a Ifc file to collada where the GlobalId's are parsed from ifc to the collada file by typing IfcConvert.exe --use-element-guids duplex.ifc duplex.dae into the cons…
Hello everyone.
I am trying to parse ifc model on [pythonocc examples](https://github.com/tpaviot/pythonocc-demos/blob/master/assets/ifc_models/IFC%20Schependomlaan.ifc) with ifcopenshell in pytho…
I am trying to get the following information .
I want ifc to 2d Floor plan coordinates (startx,start y) -> (endx ,endy)
Is it possible to convert ifc to this format ? (or get inf…
> Adding a geospatial coordinate reference to the geometric representat…
Revit version : 2019.2
Exporter :
When exporting to IFC XML by duplicating IFC2x3 CoordinationView 2.0 or IFC4 ReferenceView header is still referring to obsolete schemas (2x2 and alpha v…
Suppose I have a field in an interface
CONTEXT IssuePrototype110
RELATION usedAt[Thing*Location]
= [ ("o1", "L1")
, ("o1", "L2")
, ("o1", "L3")
Revision clouds show on drawings, but don't show on the sheet
ifc: https://hub.openingdesign.com/OpeningDesign/Restaurant_Pewaukee/src/commit/9560d936e45be24319f2b7654723853cf1b6adb9/Open/Models/Bl…