**Describe the bug**
I have a running/working broker, but when I remove my Kakfa installation it remains `READY`:
oc get brokers --all-namespaces
I am experiencing an issue with the autoscaling of the Kafka function.
In this line: https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-kafka-extension/blob/dev/src/Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensio…
Metrics system container fail to start, because it sometimes starts before Kafka topics are created.
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Topic(s) [MetricsRetry] is/are not present and missi…
JMX seems doesn't have interface for http protocal. So do you use a proxy to tranfer jmx interface to http interface or do you have other approaches? I can't directly get data from JMX use kafka-metri…
We've made some initial progress in #7148, #6613, #6537, #6497, #6484, #6486, #6485, #5774, #5688, #5679, #5668, #5660, #5596, #5581, #5521, #5504, #5399, #3768, #3525 (among others)
But there's so…
trask updated
12 hours ago
Please let me know how can i enable the JMX as it keep saying below error and i cant see the metric in the UI
[error] k.m.KafkaJMX$ - Failed to connect to service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://NODE6.sever.c…
hello,monasca persister components crashed after run a long time.
I'm trying to use the same cert & key for both the listener side and the sending side of kafka-proxy and in telegraf. These are the same certs you made work in #168. Should the setup below work, or am…
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## 我们期待您能提供
kafka version is 0.10.2 . (Support Apache Kafka version (and later).)
my yaml
# Source: kafka-exporter/templates/deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment