+ Platform Arm
+ OS nuttx
Compiling on the Arm platform, `uint` will be redefined, and error occur.
+ `typedef unsigned int uint;` in nuttx/inclue/sys/types.h:273
+ `using uint = uint32_t;` …
I think I've found the cause of https://github.com/Koed00/django-q/issues/218 and https://github.com/Koed00/django-q/issues/200. Django Q generally cycles through which worker gets the next task. If t…
*Branched from CL_Cacee-v2.1.1.pk3*
[DOWNLOAD v13.1](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1177410102140084334/1296325205400096848/caceepass-v13.1.pk3?ex=6711e06d&is=67108eed&hm=6d3245f649ff86224c58…
Convert startup methods to context manager, and convert runtime warning about resolved lazy imports to doctest.
This fixes a bug that prevents importing the main all module (e.g. in the context of …
I am trying to program ATtiny412 and ATtiny1614 boards using Serial UPDI (tried all programmer options) and Quentin's [SWD UARD Adapter](https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/pub/programmers/swd-uart-ada…
kr15h updated
7 months ago
Hi, I'm not sure if this is something that can be helped here, as I am not using this gem - but I will if it turns out that it can do what I hope to do. I don't want to install or use ruby or rvm on p…
CMake Build System, targeting C++ 17, MSVC 2017 Community, building a 32-bit DLL, running on Windows 10
I've observed this twice on production systems, and I know it sounds a little outlandish.
# Lines of code
### clickhouse version
### clickhouse backup configuration
If we are going to push for a more nonlethal gameplay we most likely would need a way to lock in separate prisoners in their cells.
Keys could be a swep, and perhaps add some feature to let prisoners…