In this line:
``` clojure
(with-meta (:name (meta yesql-query#)) (meta yesql-queries#))
I think meta should refer…
Quoting from `database.md`:
Conventionally the queries are placed in the
resources/sql/queries.sql file. However, once your
application grows you may consider splitting the
queries into multip…
winks updated
8 years ago
Hi, can a command be added to add additional dependencies post-project generation?
lein new luminus helloworld +h2
cd luminux
lein luminus +cljs
it's a small nitpick, but it's a bit more idiomatic to create a core namespace
When compiling Luminus project
"$ lein new luminus app +cljs +swagger +auth +mongodb"
"$ lein uberjar" - all goes well, then I run the JAR command "$ java -jar target/app.jar"
He also runs without er…
Can you provide those 3 lein create statements for HW3
After including [com.cemerick/friend "0.2.1"] as a dependency on a Clojure 1.6 application, attempting to run a ring server results in:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: No such …
Does luminus no longer support command-line invocation of sqlite database support? I ran the following command with no success:
`lein new luminus testapp +sqlite`
I received the following message:
I've found out a permanent decreasing of performance on default template.
To reproduce this issue, please, make the following steps:
lein new luminus lum
cd lum
lein uberjar
java -jar target/lum…
luminus template의 잦은 업데이트가 스터디에 방해가 된다. 한개의 안정된 버전으로 고정할 필요가 있다.