Посмотрел видео про flux и про react.
Там говорится про то, что приложение MVC со временем может сильно усложняться. Мне кажется, мы с этим уже столкнулись.
В общем, рекомендую, раз уж мы пишем MVC фр…
The docs are one of the biggest pain points that marionette developers run into, both when getting started and when trying to dig deeper.
One of the reasons why it's confusing is that the docs do not…
amd directory of backbone.babysitter was deleted in this commit https://github.com/marionettejs/backbone.babysitter/commit/7d72e2dc2c8ab8cdf37247c127a5ca98bab63ea9
And, because of tilde version in bow…
source https://github.com/marionettejs/backbone.marionette/archive/v1.7.4.zip
ghost updated
10 years ago
We get a fair number of issues / questions about require.js a week. I think it would be prudent to provide an official example setup for people to use when setting up a new marionette project.
The `$el` property of the regions is still not defined when first `onDomRefresh` of its container Layout is called. Example: http://jsfiddle.net/Edygar/ZQez2/2
Underscore.js 1.6.0
Backbone.js 1.1.2
// check if the collection is empty
isEmpty: function (collection) {
return !this.collection || this.collection.length === 0;
line 2071
Marionette has a hard dependency on Wreqr right now because of [this code](https://github.com/marionettejs/backbone.marionette/blob/master/src/marionette.application.js#L7-L17).
Instead, we should ma…
What I have:
childViewOptions = function(model, index){}
and collection.length === 0
And I can see that function has been called and model is null
Was wondering if we could add the UI: {} to the CollectionView.