### SQLDelight Version
### Operating System
Mac OS
### Gradle Version
### Kotlin Version
### Dialect
### AGP Version
### Describe the Bug
I'm trying …
- Library Version 1.5.2
Crash log on Firebase
Fatal Exception: android.view.InflateException
Binary XML file line #67 in xxx.xxx.xxx:layout/balloon_layout_body: Binary XML file line #67 in xxx…
Hi there,
I'm trying to do a simple dagger with Android activity using Bazel. I've setup everything as the example directory has shown and bazel seems to have a hard time finding the generated Hilt…
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlL6H-s0nF0
- 목표: Insets이 무엇인지, Insets이 앱에 어떤 …
# Description
When styling `MaterialAlertDialog` via theming, the title's (`materialAlertDialogTitleTextStyle`) `textSize` attribute will ignore any values over some arbitrary limit (~20sp).
**Description:** The bug appears when using app theme `Theme.Material3.DayNight`, but not appears in default theme `Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight`.
![Screenshot 2023-03-08 102548](https://user-…
Paparazzi test(both record and verify) fails when tested Compose component gets resources with `xxxResources()` (e.g. `stringResources()` or `painterResources()`.
Stack trace:
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Pending Approval
These branc…
The stack trace:
Process: com.alorma.compose.settings.example, PID: 16781
android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x1060028
at android.content.res.ResourcesImpl.getValu…
I'm currently having some issues building the app from sources with the provided guide in README, I'm using the latest Android Studio Canary build. By cloning the repo, opening the project in AS, runn…