[short_descr]Compares target patch levels against the Microsoft vul…
I've tried to use eternalblue_win8 but it gives me an error and i don't know how to solve it, i've used it before to exploit an windows 7 machine, but now i want to exploit a windows 10 pro and it say…
## Steps to reproduce
How'd you do it?
1. gain initial foothold (with meterpreter reverse_tcp as payload)
2. background session
3. use exploit/windows/local/tokenmagic
4. set session 1
5. ru…
[short_descr]Automated Mass Exploiter.[/short_descr]
[long_descr]As the …
Thanks for this great library, which is fundamental to our business! 💚
As described in #69, having a flat registry namespace was a design decision. That's okay to me. What is problematic to us, th…
[homepage]https://github.com/1N3/Sn1per [/homepage]
[extra_link]https://sn1persecurity.com/wordpress/ [/extra_link]
[short_descr]Attack Surface Management P…
zipalign: symbol lookup error: zipalign: undefined symbol: _ZN11zip_archive7InflateERKNS_6ReaderEjjPNS_6WriterEPm
Error: Unable to align apk with zipalign.
[short_descr]Growing penetration test tool using Machine Learning.[/short_descr]
This issue came out while working on this [PR](https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/pull/18542). This [comment](https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/pull/18542#discussion_r14045443…
## Steps to reproduce
How'd you do it?
1. Run msfconsole on Windows 10, metasploit v6.3.42-dev-5b888c49cb022a2c532d1e4296e93c614c211cba, downloaded today with no errors
2. use scanner/http/…