I trained a mobilenet_v2 in Pytorch, and then convert to onnx model, when I want to convet onnx model to tensorflow model , it report this error, what can i do?
- Python version:
- ONNX version…
Can this use Resnet instead of MobileNet, like 3DDFA, in order to improve the quality of the fit?
i want to detect a video file use the mobilenet-ssd under caffe, but i didn't find a method. so, anyone who can tell me how to make it?
i will be appreciate it.
- https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.02244
MobileNet シリーズ!Neural Architecture Search を用いて(特にモバイル CPU 上で)高効率なアーキテクチャを探索し、評価した話。
Kindly hep on this
C:\Users\madhubala\detection\Face-Mask-Detection-master>python detect_mask_video.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "detect_mask_video.py", line 2, in
layer = keras.applications.mobilenet.DepthwiseConv2D(name=name, **kwargs)(input)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DepthwiseConv2D'
Newest Version Keras DepthwiseConv2D has moved …
I want to get MobileNet pretrained of RetinaFace model for face mask detection, but your Dropbox link seemed to be unavailable and I have Baidu link only. I couldn't sign up and get it from Baidu, are…
# 모델별 학습 기록(Acc/F1)
- https://nayohan.notion.site/07-30bd7e17f7f44b078d22342d21131d65
## 1. Torchvision models
- [ ] VGG-19 with batch normalization
- [x] `ResNet-18`: class weight, bactch siz…
### Area Select
react-native-pytorch-core (core package)
### Description
I have seen there is an export script [https://playtorch.dev/docs/tutorials/prepare-custom-model/](url) for mobilenet, but I…
[작업 대상]
- dog_breeds_clf 모델
[코드 수정]
- Test 단계 각 클래스별 softmax 확률값 출력되도록 변경.
- MobileNet 말고 다른 base model을 적용해볼 것.
- Densenet Layer 개수 늘려볼 것. => 현재 Dense layer 두개를 사용하는데, 더 늘릴 필요는 없을 것 같음. 미팅때 물…