Could you please add support for OWIN?
For that your library can be used in MVC5 projects same way as Owin.Security.Providers.*
Trying to do a "code-only" configuration as described here https://nickcraver.com/StackExchange.Exceptional/AspDotNet using nuget package https://www.nuget.org/packages/StackExchange.Exceptiona…
Hi - I'm embarrassed by my ignorance by asking this - I'm only 6-weeks into programming as a job for the first time, and like-wise ASP.NET. I've spent the entire weekend experimenting and reading but…
After upgrading to latest version 3 I used the default WebRequestLifestyle as suggested in docs for default setting.
``` c#
var webLifestyle = new WebRequestLifestyle();
Discussions for aspnet/Announcements#69
Our userbase isn't that small, and I'm not a programmer, but from what I've seen, it's easier to port a program from Linux to Windows, than from Windows to Linux.
MVC5.X + Mulit Page + EF + Zero
I am using EF Core with a .NET Framework MVC site. From what I understand, this requires me to install the MiniProfiler and MiniProfiler.EntityFrameworkCore packages at v4+.
We've just started using Miniprofiler 4 in our MVC5 app and I got very confused that one of our pages which contains `/content/` in the path wasn't being profiled due to the exclusions [here.](https:/…
I have down load template project from https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Templates
I Choose Full .net freamwork and ASP.NET MVC5.x.and down load the templat project.
but when i build in visual studio 20…