As in basic2iii, it is said that there are two portals. What are the 2 portals? Is it one is the given [https://newyork.craigslist.org/](https://newyork.craigslist.org/), and the other one is decided …
Waiting on these
We could also scout out local electrical supply companies.
### Quickstart Templates
@uluQulu Had the idea to introduce a folder with a list of examples every new and already advanced user of InstaPy can use to get some idea about what other people use.
### Expected Behavior
Thank you for this amazing tool 🔥
I wanted to add a new feature to allow using URL's for background image. From what I can see, you can only use random images from `Unsp…
Exhibit A: Invisible College rooftop
Exhibit B: winter is coming.
Our rooftop space will be mostly unusable in the wintertime.
While other rooftops go to waste as sad and lonely spaces, such wi…
[weather-data of newyork](https://publicdata-weather.firebaseio.com/newyork.json) not accessible
I have netdata installed and running. I want to link up to https://newyork.my-netdata.io/#menu_apps;theme=slate;help=true to have my servers show up here.
I currently get from the alarms "Sorry... …
Is it being developed a startup screen, having as startup form (pseudo, age, city, sex) and put this information in the realname of the user in this form for example (18 M / F New-york) and th…
How do I add the modx repository from the Dash user contributed repos?
they pointed me at:
which I managed to figure out the feed location: