Now that [Lukas has given the first talk on pyhf](https://indico.cern.ch/event/702612/contributions/2958658/) :+1: it might be nice to have a "Talks and Presentations" section towards the bottom of t…
# Description
The XML/ROOT import code currently only support OverallSys and NormFactor but by now we support more modifiers natively in pyhf. We should thus extend this code
Python 2.7.14 (default, Mar 22 2018, 15:04:47)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> …
I just realized that I don't think that we actually have a check anywhere for the ["Hello World" example](https://github.com/diana-hep/pyhf#hello-world) that is in the README.
>>> import pyhf…
# Description
When trying to use `tfp` for distributions the tests for the notebooks will run, but then there will be a corde dump given that the memory on Travis is being exceeded. This is highly …
At the moment our installation instructions don't cover all use cases. Specifically, in the instance that a user wants to install from PyPI then they get the NumPy only version of pyhf, and we don't g…
# Description
we are pretty restrictive in the numpy version range due to trying to conform to TF's valid range, but TF is only one of the backends. If just installing `pip install pyhf` we should …
# Description
maybe something for @matthewfeickert since he set up the existing ones
# Description
The auto PyPI deploy seems broken as we
* filter only on master
* filter only on tags
which block each other
I thin…
# Question
Our docs webpage is deployed through GitHub pages, correct? At the moment we don't use HTTPS (we're http://diana-hep.org/pyhf/). However, given [this tweet](https://twitter.com/dtsbourg/…