### 问题描述 Please describe your issue
Building with setuptools has now been depreciated.
The following is displayed when building guizero.
SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: setup.py install is deprecated.
Dear all,
I want run the "python ce.py" using hubbardI with the latest version of triqs (mean triqs with version 3). Also I am the wien2k user . But when I run the "python ce.py" command I have t…
I am trying to use the SURF algorithm with OpenCV using Golang. Currently, the following tutorial http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_flann_matcher/feature_flann_matcher.html s…
Disclaimer: I have a stake in this as I am an author of a Python-related book.
It's incredibly frequent on social media and IRC to see requests for book tutorials and resources, but python.org doesn'…
Dear Chad
Thank you for the excellent tutorials and as a novice on python I am learning Python with MCMC now. On your script titled "Implementing and estimating an ARMA(1, 1) state space model", I fo…
Transferred from http://code.opencv.org/issues/3587
|| Philip Salvaggio on 2014-03-04 02:25
|| Priority: Normal
|| Affected: 2.4.8 (latest release)
|| Category: documentation
|| Tracker: Bug
|| D…
Dear All,
Please share the updated/current "Pyleecan Advanced - Part 1: Optimization". The earlier version of the notebook is attached for your reference.
I was not able to find the updated docum…
How to generate a field with holes in it? as seen in the docs?