Hello! I have set up the RotorS simulator in an attempt to run the mav_with_keyboard.launch. I have followed the tutorials to set up RotorS and to download python-uinput. The Virtual RC Joystick works…
- Discuter de l'approcher TDD ensemble. Lien : https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/beginning-test-driven-development-in-python--net-30137
- Concevoir les tests unitaires avant d'implémenter les fonct…
I run the SDK example 06_face_image and get Error 914 (NO_ENGINE_PROCESS | Vic-engine stopped unexpectedly.) (https://support.digitaldreamlabs.com/article/96-vector-status-codes). Clean fork, examples…
## Explanation
I am getting a KeyError when executing the automl.fit_predict() function while following this notebook - https://colab.research.google.com/github/AILab-MLTools/LightAutoML/blob/master/…
- [x] Documentation needed for the k-vector search functionality -> howto?
- [x] How are those ARM32 binaries built? Do we have dedicated machines or virtual …
I find this very confusing
I think lots of it got lost in translation, but it would also make sense to review th…
Replace setuptools with [hatchling](https://pypi.org/project/hatchling/) or something similar.
Although PyYaml's setup.py contains a `requires_python` field, the [pypi.org links](https://pypi.org/simple/pyyaml/) do not have the expected `data-requires-python` anchor attribute (see [PEP 503](htt…
### Informations
- **Qiskit Aer version**: 0.15.1 (and earlier versions too like 0.14)
- **Python version**: Seen on 3.8 and 3.12 in Finance CI and 3.9 locally when reproducing
- **Operatin…
One of the examples in the tutorials shows how you can override value of batch decorator via CLI:
`$ python BigSum.py run --with batch:cpu=4,memory=10000,queue=default,image=ubuntu:latest`