Need a way to handle RNG management in QCD with multiple live grids.
SpaceTimeGrid class is perhaps a place holder for central lattice information,
could create a Grid hierarchy there.
We could mak…
Hi Mathieu,
While fuzzing, i found another heap-based buffer-overflow, when decoding
an jpeg2000 file.
The affected file is enclosed.
$ /usr/local/bin/j2k_to_image -i test2.j2k -o test.ppm
Attached file is not decoding correctly.
With r856 of trunk and openjpeg-1.5 branch :
./j2k_to_image -i …
Hi Mathieu,
While fuzzing, i found another heap-based buffer-overflow, when decoding
an jpeg2000 file.
The affected file is enclosed.
$ /usr/local/bin/j2k_to_image -i test2.j2k -o test.ppm
Dataset: https://cmsweb.cern.ch/das/request?view=list&limit=10&instance=prod%2Fglobal&input=%2Fstore%2Fhidata%2FHIRun2011%2FHIMinBiasUPC%2FRAW%2Fv1%2F000%2F182%2F838%2F247BDAFB-E91C-E111-BD46-BCAEC532…
_From [JhaoDa](https://code.google.com/u/JhaoDa/) on January 26, 2011 18:46:12_
В частности, b70 на AIMP 3.0b1 выдает краказябриков вместо имени файла, "Not in share" вместо магнета и %[filepath]…
Problems with running measurements scripts on soolin:
- 01-05, 98 run fine.
The others fail:
- 99_QCD_cross_checks: https://gist.github.com/jjacob/d275e7e318e94adc6706
- x_make_fit_variable_plots: ht…
Hey All,
When running on multiple files, if the first file never fires a certain trigger then that trigger is missing from the triggerNames branch even if a later file does fire that trigger. So this…
Attached file is not decoding correctly.
With r856 of trunk and openjpeg-1.5 branch :
./j2k_to_image -i …
Due to the number of actions and tasks that QUDA now supports, the time required to compile the code from scratch has become pretty significant. Oftentimes, particularly when debugging, we only want t…