The code snippet has a typo in Thumbnails parameters: the second parameter should be `{size}` instead of `{thumbnailSet-id}`.
Snippet's source code: https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-grap…
**As** a STR Platform
**I want** to pass host registration details (registration number, unit number if applicable, street number, postal code and primary listing ID) in bulk via API to the STR regist…
When trying to call the `SyncSolutionToTeams` operation with a bearer token, you get the following error:
"odata.error": {
"code": "10005",
"message": {
"lang": "en-U…
### Target SharePoint environment
SharePoint Online
### What SharePoint development model, framework, SDK or API is this about?
other (enter in the "Additional environment details" area below…
Downloading the file using C# creates a stream which is IDisposable.
I don't think the SDK disposes streams by itself (how would it know when the stream is not needed anymore?) which means the caller …
We have an API which integrates with Sharepoint, where ideally we don't obtain tokens for each API call.
But from what I can tell, there are no infra to handle expiring tokens/refreshing them.
#### Category
[ ] Enhancement
[ ] Bug
[X] Question
#### Version
Please specify what version of the library you are using: [3.16.0]
#### Question
I'm using the FilePicker control in an…
1. Use the REST API to create and apply theme
2. Reload any modern page including the site contents
3. Open **change the look**.
**Change the look** is empty
![image 2018-12-05 at…
Certain responses from the SharePoint API return invalid XML, an example is when SharePoint returns anything with `` it in. It breaks the XML parser in PHP and produces the error:
Error (Clie…
Sharepoint uses system lists for Site Pages, Site Assets, etc. These lists are currently inaccessible via O365.
According to this documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/list-lis…