## Description of your problem or feature request
I'd like to request to add a Frechet random variable implementation, parameterized the same as [Stan here](https://mc-stan.org/docs/functions-refer…
In PR https://github.com/epinowcast/epidist/pull/69 we added a vignette fitting a simple model with four inference techniques. This includes Pathfinder, which I also presented about [here](https://ath…
Based on F2F conversation with @seabbs and @zsusswein:
I think it's good to discuss how to extend the infrastructure we have here to include other features. I think it's likely that we will want to…
When put the example into a cpp file, then compiles using "clang++ -I.. -Wall -O2 -std=c++11 test1.cpp -o test1 -larmadillo", it gives:
test1.cpp:59:11: error: no matching constructor for initializ…
Is there a way for a given model to get the stan data that's used (so I can add it to plots, etc.)?
I'd like to do something like
#### From Marcus:
Roughly speaking I was thinking of being able to write models like this;
matrix[N,M] Data;
transformed data {
int missing_inds[];
The Ebola vignette (#52) is really big. So for now we will cut the parts about Gamma and model comparison. I'm going to paste things here that are cut, and eventually write out possible extensions.
To be more in line with the rest of the regression families I think it would be a good idea to support lognormal distribution reparameterized with mean and standard deviation on the natural scale.
This should work, using the VerbAgg dataset in lme4, but the Stan model doesn't compile:
# glmer2stan doesn't like factor grouping variables
Lets say the user wants to run `NUTS` from `pymc` (call it `pymc_nuts`) on the posterior `eight_schools_centered`. However, the posterior database only has model code for Stan.
Currently we would g…