CRDS ticket https://jira.stsci.edu/browse/CRDS-182 indicates that a few old NIRCam subarray names are being resurrected to allow for backwards compatibility with old rmaps and reference files. The 4 v…
I get a failure when trying to update this package.
**Atom Version**: 1.5.3
**System**: Mac OS X 10.11.3
**Thrown From**: [ink](https://github.com/JunoLab/atom-ink) package, v0.4.0
### Stack Trace
Ed Nelan indicates that when FGS is used in "science" mode to obtain regular imaging, only 1 of the 2 detectors will be used for the science observations, because the other one will always have to be …
Trying to load `libhdf5.so` which depends on `libsz.so`. If I set DL_LOAD_PATH it fails to load libsz.so even though it's in the same directory (see details here: timholy/HDF5.jl#97)
Not only block apps from reading files but It would be very helpful if we could block apps writing files on our phones.
For instance I can block a app from reading a analytics file/database, I would l…
iojs v3 was released today, this means we need to update to nan v2 which has brought some massive breaking changes.
I managed to add additional gems but not mappings without an error:
julia> p = plot(mpg, x = "cty", y = "hwy", Geom.point)
julua> push!(p.layers, layer(Geom.line))
julia> push!(p.layers, lay…
There seems to be a type error with ./
julia> mpg = data("ggplot2", "mpg")
julia> total = sum(mpg["cyl"])
julia> within(mpg, :(xxx = cyl ./ $total))
ERROR: InexactError()
in ./ at /Users/sw…
I'm trying to do an outer join on an int64 column (date) like this:
merge(credits, dbts, "date", "outer")
and I'm getting:
ERROR: no method convert(Type{String},Int64)
in nas at /Users/swade/.ju…
This occurs when there's a fatal error or on calling quit():
julia> quit()
splunk:julia swade$ exit …