With the above configuration and these tmux settings:
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
set -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc"
There is no syntax highlighting with this v…
Hello, I want to design an automation script to install craftzdog setup. I've already developed a script for my existing setup in linux. So I want to ask @craftzdog to ask his permission to develop sc…
Hey @mk12, I have a question which you may not know the answer to, but I think you might, but first a bit of context:
I'm an admin and maintainer of https://github.com/tinted-theming which you brie…
### System info
- tmux v3.5
- MacOS Sequoia v15.0
### Issue description
I am experiencing an issue with tmux where the key binding PREFIX + does not function as expected. Instead of switching t…
**Describe the bug**
I am trying to configure Kitty as I do with Tmux, which is configured to take `ctrl+s` as the leader key. When I do so and start Kitty, it behaves strangely to my keystrokes, and…
It would be awesome be default to have segment for Now Playing MPD. I found [this script](https://github.com/passcod/tmux-powerline/blob/master/segments/np_mpd.sh ). Maybe it wouldn't be very difficu…
- Generator / Monitor 両方
- OSPF, EIGRP, RIP(これは最後)
- BGP(これからやりたい)
- どうしたら試せるか、とか検証環境をパッと用意出来るようにもしたい
- 参考
- CCNA の白本のp180 あたり
- https://www.youtube.co…
Steps to reproduce:
1. use mintty to connect to a box with linux kernel sources over SSH
2. use "make nconfig" to bring up ncurses-based config menu
3. start scrolling around with the arrow keys, …
Hey, what is the recommended nerd font here? I've tried and applied a few like FiraCode and CaskaydiaCove but wasn't able to replicate the icons that were shown in the screenshots.
Good work guys …
i love 'namespaced-openvpn' - it works like a charm. I can run any daemon or programm inside the protected namespace and it tunnels through vpn. I switched to using docker containers lately and …