Hola! Una consulta sobre objects and data structures, por lo que tengo entendido las clases deben representar un objeto, escondiendo su estructura interna y exponiendo abstracciones, o una estructura …
The performance benchmarks are implemented [here](https://xgi-org.github.io/xgi/dev/bench/) but some things left to do:
- [ ] Change the units of the results to time, not iterations/time
- [ ] Chang…
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_units - I don't want abbreviations for these
### Description
When configured to export a Meter from System.Diagnostics.Metics , the Prometheus metrics names reported via `/metrics` are a bit _off_. The metrics end up with trailing underscores …
We're missing units in Bxy, Bpxy, Brxy, Bzxy and all the metric coefficients, which means that xHermes will not produce SI units. This can be unexpected because everything else is in SI.
Tables of these entitites where there is currently no link to go to the details of that entity:
- Species-tab in a Locality
- Localities-tab in a Species
- Localities-tab in a Time Unit
- Time Units-…
I cannot find any example on how to enable/disable units. Can someone elaborate on how this can be done using this lib?
I can see there is a function called `EnableUnitFiles` but I am not sure how i…
What are the units in the outputted file WATER.COEFF? [This line](https://github.com/AER-RC/MT_CKD/blob/72c0c0dccb2caec13c3b7e278b28f1301d95edfc/run_example/WATER.COEF_mt_ckd_AER#L103) says that the 4…
As seen below, #1-24 #01-24 #001-24 are all treated as separate units which might cause duplicates as people tend to follow different formating.