Hello on your site you mention:
"When using your own audio file make sure it has the correct format - PCM 16khz 16bit mono"
Why is there such strict audio format requirement? Can user go for ano…
Hi . Do I need to install kaldi and ...... for install vosk api or not?
The second question is whether this code will be compiled in Visal Studio 2017 or not?
As I undestand nodejs binding is declared
but now implemented yet?
The results are currently being returned as JSON string, but they should probably be parsed when requested, or at least, the API should provide a method to retrieved the parsed object. Here is a bunch…
print ("Please download the speaker model from https://alphacephei.com/vosk/models and unpack as {} in the current folder.".format(spk_model_path))
What means {}?
Please answer more clearly. I re…
Hello Nikita!
I know you are a busy person doing lots of cool things, but maybe you'll find some time to implement KWS in Vosk API, like in the Kaldi example https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi/pull/…
Estive lidando com o toolkit Kaldi e API Vosk e gostaria de saber se esse é o caminho mais adequado. Não sou especialista em ASR ou mesmo pós-graduando da área, mas gostaria de mais intuição para cria…
I've been using PocketSphinx previously with a custom dictionnary and lm focused on control/command target.
I was previously using the Webservice for creating a valid language model based on a corpus…
There does not seem to be any documentation for all the functions and a proper explanation of how to structure a script/program other than the examples.
This is not enough, I'm afraid.
## MusicSmart and MusicHarbor for iOS
* [MusicSmart App Store Page](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/musicsmart/id1512195368)
* [MusicHarbor App Store Page](https://…