Hi, I'm more than sure this has been answered before but i've been trying to find a solution in forums and tried using other methods and i still can't find a solution that works. My issue is that i ca…
Well, you have presented your product as make in-browser pdf-rendering/pdf-converting possible via javascript(?). However as you documented many features (it's not user friendly and not even targetin…
I know this is jumping the gun since Webpack 2 isn't stable yet, BUT given people are going to be upgrading, or testing upgrading, in the near future, it might be useful to inform devs that their spri…
hello, I'm new in usage of XBim.
I'm trying to get a webviewer and I want to test the XBim library and especially xviewer.
When I run the sample code, I have this error message
"0x800a1391 - Er…
According to the certif docs, we would have to display the version number of the Viewer, and the CE number. Directly on the screen, or through an About button.
[Cf. SRS-02 §1.11]
**Testing T-SRS-HEL-02-001 "online viewer help"**
We need a button (or something) displaying help information and a mail to contact the team.
Concerning the **T-SRS-SAF-02-002 "Scene right patient"** test which allow to check if the displayed patient is the good one:
- I don't know how to test it. We need to log-in to see the scene, but in …
It could be really interesting to add information on the README file of the viewer about:
- how to test the app (https://www-sop.inria.fr/asclepios/software/MUSIC/viewer/testThreeJS.html and list of t…
We need to add a button/text/i-dont-know area with the procedural guidelines (you can find them in Intended Use).
As seen with Cyrille and David, we need to block the user if he/she does not use the intended Browser, or is on a lower version number, or does not use javascript/html5 plugins.