Noticed the below log for following infrastructure combination:
Infrastructure: {OSVersion=16.04, JDK=OPEN_JDK9, DBEngineVersion=5.7, OS=UBUNTU, DBEngine=mysql}
The AWS infra…
Following error throws in the serve startup.
[2019-04-03 11:27:33,160] WARN {org.springframework.web.context.support.XmlWebApplicationContext} - Exception encountered during context initialization …
When an access token is requested, the given response with id token does not contain the "at_hash" property.
**Suggested Labels:**
**Suggested Assignees:**
**Affected Pr…
**Product version**: wso2is-5.2.0
There is an issue with the process of updating local roles when the JIT provisioning happens. Therefore, JIT provisioning is not happening correctly due to not hav…
I am using angular-auth-oidc-client with **wso2 Identity Server 5.3**
I have tried to log the user in.
wso2is put the **aud claim** into an array
`"aud" : [ "s6BhdRkqt3" ]`
so your library …
The following error will occur while doing the migration from WSO2IS-5.3.0 to WSO2IS-5.5.0 when using MySQL databases with character set of UTF-8.
> ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.is.migr…
When accessing the app (http://wso2is.local:8080/travelocity.com) with JavaScript-based conditional authentication configuration [1], got the authentication error. It works when accessing the index pa…
ATM, creating a docker image requires downloading [multiple jar files](https://github.com/wso2/kubernetes-is/tree/master/dockerfiles#download-files-required) (5) manually. Except the…
When adding a new User over SCIM 1.1, the API returns the wrong user ID:
curl -v -k --user admin:admin --data '{"schemas":[],"name":{"familyName":"Doe","givenName":"John"},"userName":"j.do…
the link to download wso2is-km-5.6.0.zip on the page