Use `customElements.define` instead of `document.registerElement` see https://javascript.info/custom-elements
HTMLDocument.registerElement (file:///private/var/folders/5z/0c68yjc94vjb3qj9mgvtpq5…
The package for atom is not installing.
We need to put together a document detailing all the technology behind Atom.
[The Nucleus of Atom](http://blog.atom.io/2014/02/26/the-nucleus-of-atom.html) sheds light on some of this.
Other technol…
What are the security concerns related to Atom? It would be helpful to have a document explaining these concerns, as well as expelling myths, so that a user of Atom can be well-informed.
Only article…
I noticed this isn't installed in [Atom core](https://github.com/atom/atom/blob/master/package.json) – are there plans to add it soon? This seems like something that should be a feature shipped with A…
@ehuss, I'm looking at doing a CoffeeScript translation of the algorithm and making the necessary changes to use this as an Atom plugin, probably after the start of the year. However, before proceedin…
Thank you for the very useful script. I am using your script to match surfaces of periodic systems. I follow the steps like the example in MPInterfaces/examples/hetero_interface.py. For some syst…
Not sure why, but I am receiving these errors only on Utility Pro project in Atom. Other projects I have set up are okay.
Any ideas @GaryJones ?
I just installed `markdown-preview-kramdown` version 0.5.1. It seems to crash Atom (version 1.12.7) on startup. I had to manually remove `~/.atom/packages/markdown-preview-kramdown` to be able to star…
In python, I add this line.
gen.alias_atom(resname="ILE", top_atomname="CD", pdb_atomname="CD1")
When I run the script, the output for this alias.
"Aliasing residue CD1 atom CD1 to CD"
And it also…