_Consider using commenting in both_ your HTML and CSS documents, this provides a high-level of organization and note-taking. 👀
Introduce more clarity early at the beginning of your project to crea…
Kind config:
kind: Cluster
name: kind
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
- role: control-plane
- |
kind: InitConfiguration
Why not sync also videos taken with camera ?
_NOTE: Always conduct a peer-review with your peers in Slack, this will improve performance and ability to problem solve!_ 💯
Your project contains little to no errors Scott, I went ahead and revi…
How to check databases state:
How initialization and leadership elect…
kvaps updated
6 months ago
# Features
_Some of these might not be added_
- [ ] Save usernames to .txt for giveaways
- [ ] Logo on Cube
- [ ] Cube rotations after scramble (Inspection)
- [ ] Sticker Options
- [ ] Shorten U…
Congratulations! Good job! You've met requirements and expectations.
Certain adjustments can be made to improve, I did notice that you had an extra closing div on line 99 [https://github.com/Laura8…
what do you want the welcome message introducing the shop to be
Hey there,
When I was at a friend's the other day and he was showing me his webmail app, I noticed a mail about an order my friend placed which was giving a tracking link for his package. So I had a …
_Consider using local file paths_ for your local project assets for easy access and offline use, for further reading here are two excellent resources on dealing with files and linking to file paths …