Hello! I need help. I have a server with some friends and if we get revived or just die we still get the blur effect, if we revive its ok until we open any inventory (chest, or even in creative), does…
### What happened?
When a WATERFrAMES (CreativeCore dependency) UI is initiated REI will begin to spam the "Warning" log category with the following;
`[REI] Screen team.creative.creativecore.common.…
# Week5 - Book1 : 1. 프롬프트 디자인 프레임워크 활용 & 2. 자기평가 기법 활용기
## 과제 1 프롬프트 디자인 프레임워크 활용
## 과제 2 자기평가 기법 활용기
### "내 말에는 한글이 몇 글자나 있을까? 코딩 없이 맞춰봐"
## 마감일
- 11월 4일 (월) 23:59까지
Creative Jetpack asks for an Emerald Jetpack in the center crafting slot, but does not accept it, whether freshly crafted and un-charged, or charged and settings changed.
RU: Возник запрос на явное указание условий лицензии для географических данные PastVu - совокупность координат, номера и названия изображения. Пример таких данных - https://github.com/mkgrgis/Parc_de_…
i want to add this .
Hey @florinpop17 can you assign this to me with hacktoberfest label and good first issue .
Any chest from this port that is placed on the ground won't load and will crash the game immediately, I tested it and the regular chests (Oak, birch, cherry...) work fine, but chests made with biomes …
### Possible Fixes
### Modpack Version
### What happened?
Yesterday (pack version 1.15) I noticed that I wasn't getting products from my bees. They all are in advanced oak beeh…
- [ ] thaumcraft:creative_flux_sponge - Flux Sponge
- [ ] storagedrawers:upgrade_creative:0 - Creative storage upgrade
- [ ] appliedenergistics2:creative_storage_cell - Creative ME Storage Cell
- […
Let's think of creative use case someone can use the KodaDot fork for using for their game stuff.
I can expand on this later
### Ref
- https://gun.eco/