@kyzer-davis and @edo1 @sergeyprokhorenko @fabiolimace @nerg4l @broofa @nurked (hopefully I didn't miss anyone).
I typed up a summary of what I suggest should go into a new draft, along with the ra…
I know it isn't valid JSON, but some tools output NaN, -Infinity, and Infinity. It would be very helpful if the parser could still pretty-print JSON with these values. Right now the parser fails with …
BPO | [13212](https://bugs.python.org/issue13212)
--- | :---
Nosy | @rhettinger, @etrepum, @pitrou, @vstinner, @ezio-melotti, @merwok, @florentx, @akheron
*Note: these values reflect the state of the…
Does BorrowScript use trailing semicolons?
I'm in camp yes but don't particularly care either way as long as the weird current edge cases in js are avoided.
`component_Version 2 cli` `resolution_fixed` `type_defect` | by arusso@amsl.com
For reference's title element, it seems v2 should ignore the whitespace (as v1 does), but the output has an …
A funkció elnevezése sérti azt a naming convention-t, hogy a funkciók nevei camel case módon…
JSON code blocks containing comments cannot be lexed. While the standard does not allow comments, it makes sense to diverge from this limitation in some case. One of these cases is documentation. In m…
A researcher tried to comment-out lines in *codelists.json*. JSON doesn't allow comments (Douglas Crockford thought they were being misused), so cohort-extractor raised a `JSONDecodeError`.
If we w…
Polymer will lead to memory leaks in Internet Explorer 11.
1. e.g "open site "https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/" in Internet Explorer 11
2. then refresh page some times , observe the system ram,…