Affected versions:
commit hashes newer than #8234d5148aded657760e9ecd622f324d140ae891
Sums it up best:
"by GeofP » Sun Feb…
**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/rude/love/issue/712) by John Kaniarz (Bitbucket: [jkaniarz](https://bitbucket.org/jkaniarz), GitHub: [jkaniarz](https://github.com/jkaniarz)).**
Okay, this thing is a cluster, so it will need a bit of testing from all those people who want the SoH chain to be implemented in TC. The links to the quest chain and how it progresses is in the SQL c…
Code a mission that can submerge, move to a bearing and go forward for a set amount of time.
I just noticed that as it stands you need to mirror your scene graph on the client and the server if you want the stream to work properly...
I think that we need to have some way to specify the targe…
Mavor updated
12 years ago
Conversation... Not an issue. I am building a 2nd cnc machine with Tandem/Dual/2 screws/motors on my Y axis. I want to prevent damage that could occur from one motor moving and one not moving.
Not …
**[Steven Devijver](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=devijvers)** opened **[SPR-1680](https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-1680?redirect=false)** and commented
Currently the order of …