# 学习时间
# 滑动窗口解法总结
- 暴力求解,从左向右,一步一步移动滑动窗,每移动一步,对滑动窗口内的k个数据求最大值。时间复杂度O(n*k)
- 优化,空间换时间。采用记录法,将**滑动窗起始位置**左边的最大值进行记录,**滑动窗终止位置**右边的最大值分别进行记录,然后max(max_left_w…
Given an array nums, there is a sliding window of size k which is moving from the very left of the array to the very right. You can only see the k numbers in the window. Each time the sliding window m…
# 문제
자바에서 stack기능을 가지고 있는 클래스들을 알려주세요.
예상 꼬리 질문
- 두 클래스의 성능차이는 어떻게 되나요?
- Stack 클래스보다 ArrayDeque클래스가 빠르다고 하는데 이유가 뭘까요?
### 들어가야 할 키워드 정리
### What version of Bun is running?
### What platform is your computer?
mac M1
### What steps can reproduce the bug?
update bunfig.toml with scope that requires Artifactory. Run `bun instal…
I found that this project will go up memory
- (OBaconViewItem *) baconView:(OBaconView *)baconView viewForItemAtIndex:(int)index{
static NSString *baconItemIdentifier = @"bacon.item";
// deque …
xoxoj updated
10 years ago
% taligen all-release-ubos.tlt
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/taligen", line 315, in
File "/usr/bin/taligen", line 306, in main
I have some code that uses `gsl::make_span(cont.begin(), cont.end())` quite heavily. This compiles fine on macOS and Linux with GCC and Clang, but fails on MSVC. Instead, I have to use `gsl::make_spa…
Covers the topics of Algorithms & Data structures.
## Data Structures
Linear List Data Structure:
- [ ] Array List
- [ ] String
- [ ] Stack
- [ ] Queue
- [ ] Priority Q…
If the timing is right it's possible for the server to send a request to a dead ship and then for two callback cycles to be created for the new ship. This I think is compounded by the new changes to …
### 1038. 감소하는 수 [링크](https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/1038)
- 조합(순서상관없이) 모든 경우 수
- 감소하는 수의 규칙을 확인
- 풀이
N = int(input())
from itertools import combinations
if N < 10: