🔴🔴🔴 **ATA 152/05.01.2018** 🔴🔴🔴
Bem-vindos a 2018! Estamos de volta à nossa programação normal! Depois de virarmos o ano e de quase uma semana de trégua, cá estamos nós para nossa primeira #ata dess…
## Expected Behavior
In my particular case, the `gen-list` stage fails on my local Oxygen XML (which is expected), because the structure is to valid according to the grammar. It looks like this:
In data/Britain_Cmplx/Phase_F.html there are bgcolors specified for various table cells, eg:
These are not converted to any extra outputclass values in t…
Our top level tiles can show supporting descriptions, like this:
It would be tidiest if this…
* [x] Attribute value "100_unit_charlie" of type ID must be a NCName when namespaces are enabled (presume it's the leading digit) (mocked up in `100_unit_charlie.html`
* [x] ..../image020.jog does no…
Maybe this older project could be removed completely:
Whenever I search on Google for this project I find the other one first.
The method we're currently using DITA validation includes the publish phase, which isn't required.
Here are two alternate strategies:
* a custom Ant file: https://dita-users.groups.io/g/main/topic…
I think we're missing a table attribute. It means the top and left borders of the below table are missing. I think in other cases the left and right borders are missing/
If there is a `border="1"`…
while generating html5 output using html5-bootstrap plugin can I call custom pdf plugin and generate 2 outputs in same destination?
if possible, then how can I archive this.
It's easy for me to spot single files the suffer from a problem.
I can insert specific IDs to track what is happening in the parse or publish phases.
But, my debug cycle is around 4 minutes.