Sobrescrita de font dentro de componentes e uso de px para definições internas
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teles updated
8 years ago
Atualmente os módulos do Locastyle utilizam a cor do tema para aplicar diferentes estilos. Com a evolução e o rebrand, é necessário desacoplar essa dependência dos temas e inserir seu estilo base junt…
-correlação de variaveis
Hi, if this still alive, i'am get problem with your solver when trying to get an solution for knapsack problem.
Used the following code, based on de exemple on this repo:
from pycsp3 …
1. Set up argument parser to use flagged arguments instead of hardcoded input parameters
2. Make the script automatically detect image resolution and include it in the output file name
1. Fix Crop value reset. Currently resetting crop value doesn't send user to the start of the crop. So if resetted while cropping bottom it will reset the crop values and keep the user in the bottom c…
bsdtar fails on the RAR SFX file at https://github.com/ssokolow/rar-test-files/blob/master/build/testfile.rar3.dos_sfx.exe with the error "Couldn't find out RAR header".