We initially planned to re-use STATO terms for:
- p-value
- FWE-corrected p-value
- FDR p-value
But looking more closely at STATO (OBI), those terms are defined as classes while we use them as prope…
Standard Reputation Framework and NFT Minting for Reputation Transactions
## Preamble
**SIP Number**: XXX
**Title**: Standard Reputation Framework and NFT Minting for Reputation Transactions …
This item is logged to discuss/document how we're going to do configuration of the UI.
In short, the ideal is that you point voorkant to a HA-instance and it then shows a nice interface (after prob…
Currently ANET is a closed system. 2 instances of ANET can't synchronize portions of their data stores.
The following behaviours are desired:
**2 instances of ANET with unidirectional synchorniz…
**[Aaron Loes](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=loesak)** opened **[DATAREST-208](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAREST-208?redirect=false)** and commented
please add the schema l…
With this sample code:
``` javascript
var representation = new hal.Resource({
property1: 1,
property2: 2
var representation2 = new hal.Resource({
property1: 1,
property2: …
The intent of KGCL was to allow for human readable labels wherever IDs are used. Like in the Protege manchester renderer, these would be enclosed in single quotes.
E.g `add obsolete 'my bad term'`
We need to define actions (add, modify, delete) around entities/items and create a queue concept for managing them client-side and coordinating updates with the server. In service of the following fea…
# CIR-2017-182
Supporting multiple graphs from within the same Cypher query would massively increase the power and expressivity of the language. This CIR asks the community to help us explore this …
Hi folks,
I hope this finds you well. I hope I am blind or misunderstood the bindings version for node.js. I can get a decode example working but not for encoding. Here are the respective decoding an…