**Describe the bug**
When producing chunks, edoc swallows error messages, and only prints a message, that it failed, but not why.
The issues is here https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/master/lib/e…
Trying to add figlet as an elixir dependency, which is failing. Other dependencies are installing correctly.
Elixir 1.12.3, Erlang/OTP 24.
Windows 10
defp deps do
### Steps to reproduce
- set MIX_ENV=prod
- mix release
- Try to call _build\prod\rel\APPNAME\bin\YOURAPPNAME.bat foreground
{"init terminating in do_boot",{load_failed,[LIST OF MODU…
What is the reason for this comment about encoding Counter64 values as a signed inte…
In many cases, code that run fine when run using "plain ej" with a bunch of `-pa` arguments doesn't work when subjected to the intricate arguments used in an erlang release.
- the `-args_file` option …
This issue is an experiment nicked from the Elixir project. Whenever a new Erlang version comes out, they go through the release notes and note any new features or issues that might affect Elixir. We …
In the past several years, I'ver iterated on several different forms of a version function in LFE -- sometimes just a string, sometimes a data structure. Most recent work with LFE Docker images has ma…
### Environment
* Elixir & Erlang versions: Elixir 1.11.2 on Erlang/OTP 23 [erts-11.1.5]
* ExAws 2.1.6
* hackney 1.17.0
### Current behavior
I noticed this when running the `ex_aws_s3` test…
### Environment
* Credo version: `0.8.1`
* Erlang/Elixir version: `Erlang/OTP 20 [RELEASE CANDIDATE 2] [erts-9.0]` / `Elixir 1.4.4`
* Operating system: `Ubuntu 17.04`
### Proposal
Set distinc…
**Describe the bug**
-record(in, {
f1 :: binary() | undefined
-spec test1(In :: #in{}) -> binary().
test1(#in{f1 = F1}) when F1 =/= un…