Here in Rennes we have many users that have new screens with a 16:10 ratio with relatively small dimensions : 1600 x 900 px.
Result : the help icon of the vertical toolbar is hidden and we cannot cli…
**Niveau :** Majeur
**Description du bug / Describe the bug**
Lorsqu'on souhaite ouvrir le calendrier sur un champ de type date, on obtient un crash de l'application.
Ce comportement n'est pas …
## Description
On one of our georchestra platforms we need to load 4 different extensions wich leads mapstore to randomly either crash completely (even with contexts where no extensions are used), ei…
Artifact use seems absent :
TASK [georchestra : fetch mapstore artifact from github] **********…
I search to investigate mapstore2-georchestra front part to fix #390 mapstore2-georchestra.
So, i follow [this short instruction](https://docs.georchestra.geo-solutions.it/en/latest/develope…
I'd installed georchestra locally from master branch.
To do that, i use WLS debian 10 to trigger georchestra/ansible playbook and install georchestra into local VM - debian 10 (SSH access).
- M…
I get some troubles when i try to use the DateTimePicker component (react-widgets) available with mapstore2 in a plugin.
When i try to use the SampleExtension plugin with the D…
When UserSession is enabled into localConfig.json, the map stored in localstorage override maps into application contexts edited from the context manager.
**URL:** https://portail-test.sig.rennesm…
I have a widget with some basics data and all works fine when i'm connected to GeOrchestra.
However, if i'm not connected i'm not able to display widget and MapStore2-georchestra ask me logi…
Hello. I don't know if it woud be suitable to post on the user mailing list but, in a way, it is maybe a future enhancement.
## Description
We have a georchestra MapStore2 version 1.2.x
We se…