The intro lesson already has a section on .gitignore. Should it be included here again?
May be shift this to making a global .gitignore and move to the end of the lesson?
**Describe the problem you are trying to solve**
Cargo configuration files (`.cargo/config` or `.cargo/config.toml`) provide powerful options for changing how a project is compiled. Since the…
### Search before asking
- [X] I searched in the [issues](https://github.com/apache/paimon/issues) and found nothing similar.
### Paimon version
#### What language are you using?
Python 3.11.1
#### What version are you using?
connectorx 0.3.3
#### What database are you using?
MariaDB 10.11.6
#### What dataframe are you using?
**Describe the bug 🐞**
The `sensealg` in solve is ignored, currently it only follows the sensealg defined in the problem
Looks like, the sensealg is not in the prob.kwargs, and is ignored in the…
### 🐛 Describe the bug
When using torch.compile, parameter freezing can be enabled on Inductor with torch._inductor.config.freezing flag. Dynamo checks this flag and adds the model parameters and buf…
### Describe the bug
doctest is ignoring the +SKIP directive in my rst testcode:: samples.
### How to Reproduce
The docs at https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/doctest.h…
''' mermaid
graph LR
A[ACC/BIM360] -->|CSV File| B[S3 Signed URL]
B -->|Event: CSV URL| C[AWS Lambda Fn]
C -->|Convert CSV to Parquet| D[S3 Bucket]
D --> E[AWS QuickSight]
It would be useful if Actiona could ignore the start execution hotkey when it’s not in the foreground. This hotkey currently starts and stops scripts, but I’d like it to work only for stopping when Ac…