The current draft relies heavily on the use of JWT tokens (which are mandatory) as OAuth2 access tokens. The limiting factor is that all authorization decisions are to be made when the JWT authorizati…
**[Govinda Reddy](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=vepanjerigovind)** opened **[SWS-855](https://jira.spring.io/browse/SWS-855?redirect=false)** and commented
Spring WS isnot gener…
Implement an MPI client that can execute Patient Demographic Queries (IHE ITI-21) using client certificate authentication.
Need a Web Server to host publication
* Must have administrative interface that @MaryLJ (authorized few) can use to replicate html ready content (where the html ready content comes from the IG publi…
ITI has used WebSequence to draw up some UML sequence diagrams. When we did this we would save the source we used in a text box in the document under the Figure. We would export a PNG from websequence…
discuss the problem, attempted solutions,
The interop connectors automatically convert XML to JSON. For example, an XML payload like this:
The interop connectors automatically convert XML to JSON. For example, an XML payload like this:
I have a channel set up with a llp listener for hl7v2 message, then based off the hl7v2 message type (ADT, or SIU) i'm using the source transformer to route messages to either the ADT or SIU channels…
I have a channel set up with a llp listener for hl7v2 message, then based off the hl7v2 message type (ADT, or SIU) i'm using the source transformer to route messages to either the ADT or SIU channels…