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### 问题描述
更新依赖前能跑起来,把simbot-core从3.0.0-RC2更新到3.0.0-RC3 simbot-component-mirai-c…
# Summary of the problem
While adding Spotless to the build for one of the repositories I work with, I stumbled upon a problem which suggests that the bytecode has ties to API available only in Java …
I am using JDK 9 (build 170, mixed mode) and tried to run Ratpack 1.4.6. I added VM arguments: --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED
However Ratpack server startup failed due to exceptio…
Check if there exist problems when using Java 9, fix them and upgrade pom to Java 9
http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/glassfish/hk2/external/asm-all-repackaged/2.5.0-b42/asm-all-repackaged-2.5.0-b42.jar has all class compiled to language level 8 except for `module-info.class` which…
I am able to connect to memory db cluster using below command, trying to replicate the same via redission client but not able to connect please suggest the way forward.
`redis-cli -c --user anand --a…
I have recently installed Jhipster v7.2.0 and generated a simple microservice application. But some warnings appeared when it was running.
**Bug Description**
com.taosdata.jdbc.rs.RestfulResultSet, at line 264, @return row.getTimestamp(colIndex); return result should be casted to TimeStamp,
or error will occur;
while i created anoth…
建议升级Java Connector(JDBC)里的fastjson依赖至1.2.79。