Migrated to JIRA [FP-1472](https://jira.tacc.utexas.edu/browse/FP-1472).
# Archived
## Alternatives
- #253 (short-term)
## Goal
- Determine how to create a pattern library for CMS.
the command ` is-sgx-available`:
SGX supported by CPU: true
SGX1 (ECREATE, EENTER, ...): true
SGX2 (EAUG, EACCEPT, EMODPR, ...): false
Flexible Launch Control (IA32_SGXPUBKEYHASH{0..3} MSRs):…
![화면 캡처 2022-04-22 154425](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/93064596/164619265-1b27be42-cbbe-4a0e-8707-57329786700f.png)
![화면 캡처 2022-04-22 154733](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/…
## 💰 Refactor
Migrate current KSS-node site to Hugo.
## Benefits of refactor
Eliminate KSS-node. Better experience.
## 🤨 起こっている問題
- 2012以下の整数Xに対し、`!register X` を入力すると存在しない回が表示される
- 現在は2022年だが、2023年以降も許容されている
- 小数も許容している
## 📷 スクリーンショット
python3.8에서만 유독 저 에러메세지를 뱉네요..
물론 num_workers=1로 하면 잘 작동하구요.
왜 그럴까요..
>>> tst = '그것이 잘 적혀 있는지 확인야 한다고 했기 때문이다.EBS 미래교육연구소 최홍규 박사도 그렇게 말했다.'
>>> split_sentences(text=tst, backend='mecab', us…
Thanks for the great repo.
I am trying to train a pre-trained fastspeech2 model(kss).
It seems that a duration is needed for learning, which can be extracted by training a tacotron.
I have …
I'm hitting the same issue, @ebonyclock could you reopen the issue?
- I am able to run the binary directly and play the game. (`./vizdoom`)
- I am using Anaconda latest.
E.g. when trying to run…
안녕하세요. 텍스트 마이닝 공부를 하고 있는 학생입니다.
다름이 아니라, 문장 분리기 사용시 수없이 많이 호출되며 런타임 오류가 발생하는데, 이유가…
## Bug report
### Describe the bug
I'm trying to disable archive plugins. This is a feature that was added in https://github.com/MusicPlayerDaemon/MPD/commit/fdc0329e649c961591bf1525438a560ca5a204…