I'm thinking of making the mongo_uri optional, essentially making the bot barebones which lets people set it up easily. If you provide a `MONGO_URI` then you would unlock all the advanced logging feat…
kyb3r updated
5 years ago
Hey I've been trying to get this bot to work multiple times now and can't get passed this step. https://gyazo.com/d18399b96438acc1d1ef07f8e9688500 but before you ask Yes I have deleted the node file a…
I think you should make starboard in modmail like R.Danny's
I just have the fresling that it would be great, especially for snippets. I just made a snippet in the support server about dyno hours, and instead of just having a command called `?snippets edit` i n…
Tags Plugin is broken
I've realised that when I tried running the blocked command, it didn't work. So I checked logs and got error 400 bad request embed exceeds 6000 characters. A reaction menu would be perfect for this
I think that every `?note` should be pinned in a modmail thread for everyone to see all the notes, i mean like all the notes are taken to be important and that you need them, and therefor i think that…
Is it possible to make this a public bot? Or can you code a version that can be public. That would be much appreciated.
As we continue to evolve, we are looking for more contributors for Modmail! If anyone would want to volunteer to help out, tell us in Discord.
Necessary skills:
- Competent in Python 3.7
- Compet…
Is it possible to have modmail setup so that it responds via a command to forward the message? Currently it seems that modmail is just the forwarder cog with a different name and can forward to a chan…