Now I can see how you get the videos posted through an HTML form and PHP script but come time to make accounts and track information, like say likes and dislikes or number of times watched, how do you…
Im currently using phalcon framework, how to implement adapter for your phpfastcgi ? Any hints ? Creating something similar like for slim/symfony/silex is enough ?
Installing in Joomla 4.4.8 – PHP 8.2.24 on Linux gives directly after component start.
Debug information
Exception type: Error
#0 /var/www/vhosts/loopgroepbedum.nl/joomla4.loopgroepbedum.nl/adm…
nkano updated
7 years ago
Why I have a subdomains menu in the admin, if in orderform.tpl we have this?
``` html
:information_source: View this commit [on Github](https://github.com/TYPO3/typo3/commit/a663d3cb0b8e98c9a938a3326ab93f9ef6649a7a)
:busts_in_silhouette: Authored by Oliver Bartsch bo@cedev.de
I really love `Zend\Expressive` so far. To really get in rolling for beginners, I would love to see a tutorial like the Album tutorial for a `Zend\Mvc` project. It is really nice to see the examples, …
We need to come up with a directory structure which sets the basis for the conventions used in this package.
(issue imported from https://github.com/dfeyer/Ttree.Cqrs/issues/1)
I've been having problems integrating this into wordpress. Is this even possible?
ghost updated
7 years ago
We're building an API over a symfony2 app. The API invokes symofiny services which return symfony entities.
The thing is working ok, but after a runtime error in the symfony app, calls to API endpoin…