I have this domain object
public class DataView extend…
## Description
DB 3.3으로 올린 뒤부터 인지 언제부턴지 정확히 모르겠음.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set java.lang.Long field io.osoon.data.domain.User.id to io.osoon.data.domain.User
at sun.ref…
Since the changes in applied ca29e56, the default SSL configuration does not work without the boringssl dependency on classpath.
I'm not sure I understand the logic behind the latest changes with S…
- Entities: Users
- Relations: User -follows-> User
Classes like they are defined in the tests:
I'm unable to run AgensBrowser when I configure it to connect to my agensgraph server.
Failed to instantiate [javax.sql.DataSource]: Factory method 'dataSource' threw exception; nested except…
I try to use RelationshipEntity with Neo4jOGM 2.1.3 to manage rich relationship
@RelationshipEntity(`type` = "ACCEPTED")
class AcceptedRel extends NeoRel {
var relati…
## Description
Caused by: org.neo4j.ogm.autoindex.MissingIndexException: Validation of Constraints and Indexes failed. Could not find the following : [CONSTRAINT ON ( meeting:Meeting ) ASSERT …
## Expected Behavior
With the gradle dependency config as:
testCompile 'org.neo4j:neo4j-ogm-embedded-driver:3.0.1'
testCompile 'org.neo4j:neo4j-ogm-core:3.0.1'
In our base libraries we widely use Filters.
After upgrading neo4j (from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0) and ogm accordingly (from 2.1.3 to 3.0.1) we found out that constructor Filter(propertyName,propertyValu) does…
## Expected Behavior
OGM should allow to customize entity instantiation to make it possible to use persistence constructors.