I use next code to write a tiff file ,when I use the Openslide to open, the level demisiion is only one ,, is correct ? if error, how can I fix it
import tifffile
import numpy as np
Goal would be to eventually generate a fsspec-reference-maker JSON file to allow for the consumption of OME-TIFFs as Zarr. I assume the information is available during the first pass through tile writ…
I created a TIFF stack using the `tifffile` package and specifying the axis order using `tifffile.imwrite('image.tif', image, metadata={'axes': 'CYX'})`. [Here](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9ijpjn08…
**User story**
The spatialLayers coordination type should be broken into multiple coordination types. At least for T and Z dimensions.
In this [demo](https://s3.amazonaws.com/vitessce-data/demos…
In [`d630f57`](https://github.com/BioImage-Archive/upptime/commit/d630f57ea1b9348a5f1a1646237cb1e19d1a25dc
), S-BIAD531 (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biostudies/files/S-BIAD531/Zebrafish_ML_Archive/outputs/2…
[OME-TIFF](https://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/support/ome-model/ome-tiff/index.html) is a TIFF format that embeds some microscopy-specific metadata as an XML comment embedded in the TIFF header. Sam…
I'm trying to write a large multi-channel ome.tif, and wish to include a pyramidal structure (with multiple downscaling of the image) that imageJ can read.
My code is below. Can you please help m…
In [`35224ef`](https://github.com/BioImage-Archive/upptime/commit/35224efbc6647f1f58faa04d8467d48589582e3f
), S-BIAD531-TFER-HTTP (https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/biostudies/fire/S-BIAD/531/S-BIAD531/Files/Zebr…
@Christianfoley and I are trying to decide which is the best image format to save the inference predicted images, whether to use zarr or tiff. Zarr is better for storing the data, but there are some s…
I known different scale tiles , how can I use tifffile build the Whole slide images tiff file,like below