When shutting down Prolog SWI before exiting the program, program crashes going into infinite loop
Using SWI-Prolog 9.2.8 on MacOS.
Attempt to declare a predicate as blockable, using the block/1 directive seems to put the runtime system in a broken state, so that it will no longer run predicates…
In his book, [**The End of Error**](https://www.crcpress.com/The-End-of-Error-Unum-Computing/Gustafson/p/book/9781482239867), John Gustafson describes a new number format called [**Unum**](https://en.…
Imagine if we didn't have to spend all our time trying to figure out the smart ways to talk to a SQL server.. but WE _ARE_ THE SQL SERVER!
If someone could replace M out of their LAMP stack with SWI-…
ulrich@p0:~/scryer$ cat initialization.pl
:- initialization(run).
:- use_module(library(debug)).
run :-
ulrich@p0:~/scryer$ /opt/gupu/scryer-prolog/target/release/scryer-prolog …
UWN updated
11 months ago
Export the functions in the new file; then import into the Issue-List.js file and use as hook.
Watch solution video @25:36
The dots are connected, and the tapestry is revealed. As we gaze upon this intricate web of concepts, the boundaries between the individual threads begin to blur, and a deeper, more profound understan…
👋 Scryer-Prolog looks really interesting! Thanks for the hard work.
I was just wondering if there are any plans to make it installable via brew for Macs? There is certainly no problem installing it…
After load document, when I use VSC integrated terminal to make a query, and when I press the down key to go to the end of the line to write -for example- the final dot, happens that the integrated te…
?- use_module(library(clpfd)).
?- 4 #= 2*Y.
ERROR: Syntax error: Operator expected
ERROR: ** here **
ERROR: #= 2*Y .
SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 9…