In case of querydsl ProjectableSQLQuery of querydsl-sql, we have following implentation:
public Q innerJoin(EntityPath target) {
return queryMixin.innerJoin(target);
We have a goal to scan the top 1k of npm and maven for OSLS announcement. We need to actually do these scans and likely also a bit of curation on some of them to give people the flavor of the results.
When creating a condition like so `USERS.CUSTOMER_ID.equal(customerId)` where `customerId` is a java `UUID` and `USERS.CUSTOMER_ID` is a postgres `uuid` the following error is encountered.
**[Jon Kranes](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=jkranes)** opened **[DATAJPA-1087](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAJPA-1087?redirect=false)** and commented
Query hints added to Q…
With the 1.0.4 version the m2e integation nearly works perfect, no connector needed anymore and the q-classes are correctly generated. However, the outputDirectory is not added to the Eclipse Classpat…
Hi ! I was recently working with Spring boot and queryDSL using IntelliJ and Maven, I follow the instructions in the queryDSL Maven intengration page, but I didn't work because some dependencies are m…
I added to build.gradle file a querydsl library as below:
compile group: 'com.querydsl', name: 'querydsl-apt', version: '4.1.3'
compile group: 'com.querydsl', name: 'querydsl-jpa', version: …
Compilation fail with error:
`reference to set is ambiguous both method set(com.querydsl.core.types.Path,T) in com.querydsl.jpa.hibernate.HibernateUpdateClause and method set(com.querydsl.core.types.…
**[Ivan Fedorenkov](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=ifedorenkov)** opened **[DATAJPA-790](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAJPA-790?redirect=false)** and commented
The exception i…
The PLANNED value should be quoted when used in:
NumberExpression statusPlanned = qBTS.status.when(com.nsn.nitro.project.data.utils.BTSStatus.PLANNED).then(new Integer(1)).otherwise(new Integer(0));