I was messing around with the configuration and saw that changing numBlocksToWait changes how Eventeum handles events across restarts. Specifically, bringing Eventeum down and then bringing it …
train_scene.sh drv/rabbit
Hello Wooden
Load data: Begin
Not using masks
image shape, mask shape: torch.Size([324, 768, 1024, 3]) torch.Size([324, 768, 1024, 3])
image pixel range: 0.0 1.0
キリ番 :rabbit:
777 とか 1000 とか
We are using the default retry strategy for add_to_queue, which only retries for a total of 0.4 seconds. We need to increase it a lot, to at least five minutes, so that restarting rabbit does not kil…
sudo docker-compose up -d
WARNING: The OPENAI_GPT_API variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
Creating network "dockerhub_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "dockerhub_db-d…
There is a problem with cluster which uses longnames in rabbitmq cluster. For now there is no possible way to use any play against such clusters. There is no such option in plug…
The sample service broker is as below.
In this case, if a user creates a service instance, it should create or install the …
Hi my application is using aio-pika=9.4.1 to connect to a rabbitmq. I'm testing under docker environment and if I manually shutdown rabbit I see following log messages:
Unexpected connection clo…
CONUS404 has yet to yield good fruit with #564 , so it was suggested to curate NLDASv2, so down that rabbit hole we go.