Hello - would anyone please suggest an ANGSD way to estimate SNP-based heritability of a trait?
Is there any built in function to calculate a reliability estimate for each of the predicted values in the BGLR code?
(this is similar to computing accuracy of prediction in Pedigree BLUP
I used MixSIAR successfully since ~2018 (thanks a lot by the way for this modeling framework!!). I´ve used the gui and modified the example scripts to use my data without problems in the past…
Hi, this might be a dumb quastion, but is it possible to incloud random factors int the sjSDM model?
Opening thread for feedback on homework 3
Hi guys,
lately, I have received increasing messages from glmmTMB users that work with models that included covariance structures and want to check residuals with DHARMa, e.g.
* https://github.…
I'm a bit confused about your two different implementations of computing the ICC for neg. bin. models shown here in your GitHub code and at [Cross Validated](http://stats.stackexchange.com/a/169722/54…
I'm interested in estimating the conditional variances for the results of `coef()`. For example, if I interested in estimating a LMM with several personality scale slopes with partial pooling.
I'm …
Dear Authors,
Is it possible, to make the lmerTest able to work with the objects resulting from the glmmTMB? lme4 doesn't handle the user specified residual covariance structures (other than unstru…
ghost updated
2 years ago
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Neoforge 47.1.106
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