I want to try out the python-recsys but it is giving me the error while loading the movie ratings mail.
**>>> svd.load_data(filename='./movierates.dat', sep='::', format={'col':0,'row':1,'value':2…
3 different flavors of new, native ads discovered as of this morning on latimes.com - being tracked and investigated here: https://github.com/brave/browser-laptop/issues/7454
These are different an…
Hi, now I am testing recsys algorithm for only similar users finding. Each output result contains 10 users with similarity scores (actually it has 9 similar users and 1 search/target user). I want to …
Used the Movielens SVD example in my class tonight to show them a rec system.
People (including me) who were using a MAC went though the tutorial without issues.
All people on Windows (7 and 8.1): …
I `pip install` the csc module, and can `import recsys` after that.
But everytime csc is imported, this error show up:
`ImportError: No module named csc`
Recommenders are in growing demand in machine learning. Something like collaborative filtering techniques are fast enough and easy to be implemented. Can it be introduced into sklearn? Since it's com…
I want to parse the dblp dataset, I went through the documentation but I am still struggling on starting. Can anyone please elaborate on the steps to get this thing running.
Recommender systems
1. Introduction
2. Types of recsys
3. Applications
4. Data Mining methods for recsys
How long will the evaluation system be available? I know it's no longer good for the challenge, but if we would like to keep working on the problem for fun.
When executing install.sh I get the following error:
/home/s/software/miniconda3/envs/recsys-env/lib/python3.5/site-packages/Cython/Distutils/old_build_ext.py:30: UserWarning: Cython.Distutils…