## Week 1
- [x] Go fundamentals
- [ ] Typescript fundamentals
- [x] coreutils: `echo, env, cat, wc, head, tail, yes, true, false, tree` (use gobyexample to speed up things)
- [x] Testin…
**Design proposal**
Library of modules that can be utilized by Operators of other projects to provide common features to all Operators.
Possible modules would be for things su…
I have one issue, when start golang with windows:
i download cliet: https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/instant-client/winx64-64-downloads.html
- where pkg-config:
### gopls version
Build info
golang.org/x/tools/gopls v0.8.3
golang.org/x/tools/gopls@v0.8.3 h1:Mxm94ix8oSARQ6svioO6SxKEYWT/VCP54/448LOHzrk=
Hi Team,
I am trying to interact with terragrunt programatically using golang sdk. (https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gruntwork-io/terragrunt/cli#RunTerragrunt ) but am finding it difficult to understa…
* **Product and API**: sts
* **Platform**: golang sdk
* **How to Reproduce**
I need to query the API for all the available STS endpoints. However, it seems that the STS endpoints returned…
Interface can be leaked if the initial Request's context gets cancelled before the connection could be established.
The problem might occur in [kernelTap](https://github.com/networkservicemesh/sdk-…
In order to support A/B testing and testing features on a fraction of the whole user base of an app, we could provide a way to send locations to subscribers from other sources and make them look as if…
### Go version
go version go1.22rc2 linux/amd64
### Output of `go env` in your module/workspace: