It first appears in
zyxue updated
2 years ago
url: https://ubrain0624.medium.com/%EC%95%A0%ED%94%8C-%EC%95%B1%EC%8A%A4%ED%86%A0%EC%96%B4-%EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84-%EC%9C%A0%EC%A0%80-%ED%8F%89%EC%A0%90-%EC%98%88%EC%B8%A1%ED%95%98%EB%8A%94-%EB%AA%A8%EB%8D…
I do personally think that we should **not** document for a first Monitoring SUSE-DOC loki and opensuse repository
This is was in lenght discussed @stefanotorresi today.
From my subjective po…
I get this error. It worked for all other cases but for the 9th model I tested I get the message below. The model and data re correct. I use shap 0.39.0.
Exception: Additivity check failed in TreeE…
十分感谢分享。 在使用 https://github.com/TommyZihao/Train_Custom_Dataset/blob/main/%E5%9B%BE%E5%83%8F%E5%88%86%E7%B1%BB/6-%E5%8F%AF%E8%A7%A3%E9%87%8A%E6%80%A7%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90%E3%80%81%E6%98%BE%E8%91%97%E6%80%…
One way to measure at which point in time we can observe a data shift.
One idea would be to split data into multiple folds based on time e.g. 10. Then one could train a resemblance model taking:
Hi @slundberg
Having found the "Shapley Flow: A Graph-based Approach to Interpreting Model Predictions" paper you wrote with 2 co-authors, I wonder if it's planned to implement it in _shap_ librar…
is there a way to save an estimated explainer?
I tried saving it using joblib but got an error.
Dear developers,
According to your description "To use PoSHAP for your own model, use the jupyter notebook present in the tutorial folder and follow the instructions inside. You will need a trained…