@towerofnix, @HanClinto, I see that y'all are making progress and I really appreciate it. 😄 I got a bit burned out on Leopard for a while, but your enthusiasm is getting me excited about the project a…
Hello, can you create a function for 180 degree rotation? Congratulations on your work.
Attempting to compile the WebServer.ino example (and others for Ethernet) ends in an error:
Using board 'CH32V10x_EVT' from platform in folder: D:\Work\arduino\portable\packages\WCH\hardware\ch32…
FQBN: esp32:esp32:dfrobot_beetle_esp32c6:CDCOnBoot=cdc
Using board 'dfrobot_beetle_esp32c6' from platform in folder: C:\Users\tao\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\3.0.0-rc1
*Created by: TechnicJelle*
## Description
When I open processing-4.0a3 it shows an error message "An error occurred while starting the application."
## Expected Behaviour
Refer to https://git.sr.ht/~sera/routing/tree/master/item/src/commands/bpi/alias.rs for a few common alt names for songs used within IIDX int
For others that come looking here, it looks like the most current usable fork of this project is currently [sergiomb2's fork](https://github.com/sergiomb2/rawstudio). Fedora has started picking up pat…
It would greatly benefit library developers if libraries could specify additions to the include path used in their compilation. Developers could then create work that is much easier to maintain.
I want to start fixing the bugs in the launchpad scripts from incorrect decompilation of the .pyc files. Is this the right repo to start making pull requests as I make progress? Or is that no…