**General remarks**
> This form is to report bugs. For general usage questions refer to our Slack channel
> [KubeSphere-users](https://join.slack.com/t/kubesphere/shared_invite/enQtNTE3MDIx…
- How often does the test fail? More than 5 times this week
- Does it block your work? Not yet but it is failing on `main`
- Do we suspect that it is a real failure? no
saig0 updated
2 months ago
Previously discussed here: https://github.com/meteor-space/event-sourcing/issues/4
vsivsi:job-collection has [built in support](https://github.com/vsivsi/meteor-job-collection#jclater---anywhere) for…
### Self-Hosted Version
### CPU Architecture
### Docker Version
### Docker Compose Version
### Steps to Reproduce
Hi team i have followed the below document and com…
Why does `logging: false` not fully disable logging to console? False makes output less verbose, but we're still getting sequelize:pool connection acquired +2ms and full sql commands being logged. Mor…
Ci sono errori nel file `publiccode.yml`:
| |Message|
|:warning: [`publiccode.yml:5`](https://github.com/uniurbit/UniContr/blob/HEAD/publiccode.yml#L5)| `publiccodeYmlVersion: v0.2 is not th…
I've been using the GitHub Slackbot for about a month now, and I've grown frustrated with the large number of notifications about content that is not relevant to me. Even for repos with small numbers …
**What's it about?**
Rolling update is a very useful release function. K8S itself supports the "pause" and "resume" commands of rolling update. If you can add control buttons on the interface, it…
Should we consider "image diffs" as part of the spec?
For most clients pulling an image, they have a very recent, slightly older version of the image. Some clients, such as those in "edge" deployme…
When interacting with a contenteditable element and in insert mode, hitting ctrl-e to edit in an external editor displays the error message "Could not get text from the focused element".
This looks…